Thursday, May 8, 2008

[FEELERS] May 2008

Well, busy with work as working is coming like nobody's business surging against me. Kind of busy to do some case study and also put in more earning opportunities.

Lately being stuck with a Korean Drama series, Couple of Trouble or also known as Fantasy Couple in Singapore. I love this drama and I had like watch it over and over again for about three times now. I fell in love in the character, Luo Shang Shi and Anna Jo played by Han Ye Seul almost instantaneously. The very arrogant display from the former self before getting into a situation of amnesia and the almost arrogant, yet sensitive side of her makes the whole show really sentimentally balance. The guy who played Zhang Zhe Xiu was magnificently fitted into this drama and the chemistry between him and Han Ye Seul was fabulous. I hope to see dramas like this. And best of all, I do not really like Korean Drama before watching this series.

This sudden 'life' sharing suddenly made me wanting to start a entertainment blog which although I believe would not be making as much money as this one, but I guess it is time to share about entertainment and life sometimes. All work and no play makes me a dull dull boy.

On a separate note, get paid to blog programs have been not giving out tasks lately. I do not know whether is it due the new implemented PageRank System. If that is the case, I will be in search of new ways in trying to boost traffic and optimize content management to the maximum.
Well, updates will be coming soon on more new found earning opportunities and reviews on the existing ones.

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